Telehealth Appointments
Where appropriate, you can have your consultation online via a video call. Video calling is as convenient as a phone call, with the added value of face-to-face communication. It can save you time and money, and brings your care closer to home. Video calls are secure, and your privacy is protected. You will have your own private video room that only an authorised clinician can enter.
If you have an appointment now, you may enter the waiting room here.
What do I need to make a video call?
To make a video call, you will need the following.
- A good internet connection. If you can watch a video online (e.g. YouTube) you can make a video call.
- A private, well-lit area where you will not be disturbed during the consultation.
- A modern web browser on a desktop or laptop, or on a tablet or smartphone.
- A web-camera, speakers and microphone. These are built into most laptops or mobile devices.
How much internet data will I use?
A video consultation uses less than half of the data you would use while watching a YouTube video in High Definition. Data use is less on lower-speed internet connections, or if you’re using a less powerful computer, tablet, or smartphone. These factors can also reduce the overall quality of the call. Data use increases when there are more than two participants in the call.
If you are using a mobile device, connect to a home or work Wi-Fi network to avoid using your mobile data allowance.
How do I attend my telehealth appointment
You will be sent an email containing this link to the telehealth clinic waiting room. Click on the link and join as a guest. You do not need to sign in with an account.
Snap a photo of yourself and enter your full name to identify yourself to your doctor. You will be able to play music in the private waiting room. Feel free to use your browser in another tab while you wait. When you doctor is ready, he or she will join you in the video room and your consultation will begin.
If you are browsing the internet using another tab, your browser will alert you when your doctor has joined you in the room. Be sure to have your volume turned up for the session. If you have any technical difficulties or would like to check your progress on the queue, please contact us using the number below.